Key Updates and Fixes for PDF Butler, Collaboration Butler, and Sign Butler

We are excited to share the latest updates and enhancements to PDF Butler, COLLABORATION Butler, and SIGN Butler. Our team has been working diligently to provide you with powerful new features and important fixes to improve your document generation and management experience. 

PDF Butler 

Excel Formula Validator 

  • Feature: We’ve introduced a new formula validator for Excel documents. This feature ensures that all formulas are checked for syntax errors before execution, preventing any disruptions caused by incorrect formulas. Everything is done in our backend, the user does not have to do anything. 

Rich Text Field in Excel 

  • Feature: You can now use basic Rich Text Fields in Excel documents. This enhancement allows for more flexible and detailed formatting within your Excel sheets.

Hyperlinks in Excel Cells 

  • Feature: We now support adding hyperlinks directly into cells within Excel documents. This feature improves navigation and interactivity, making your documents more dynamic and user-friendly. 

Rotated Image Display in Static PDF 

  • Fix: We’ve fixed an issue with rotated images not displaying correctly in static PDFs. By clicking a checkbox, our system will automatically detect and correct the rotation of images, ensuring they are displayed properly. 

@Islast (Record) Feature 

  • Feature: Introducing the @Islast (Record) feature that allows you to search the last value on a query with a criteria filter. This addition makes data retrieval more efficient and streamlined. 

E-invoicing Compliance with EU Regulations 

  • Feature: PDF Butler now supports e-invoicing according to EU regulations. This ensures that your invoicing processes are compliant, efficient, and up to date with the latest standards. 


New Email Composer 

  • Feature: We’re excited to introduce a new email composer for Collaboration Butler. This feature enhances your email creation process, making it more intuitive and powerful. Learn more about it here. 

File Sorting 

  • Feature: Files within the Collaboration Butler component can now be sorted. This enhancement improves organization, making it easier to manage and locate your files. 

SIGN Butler 

Manual Signing v2.1 

  • Feature: We have implemented general fixes to enhance the manual signing experience, ensuring smoother and more reliable functionality. 

Increased Placeholders (Signers) 

  • Feature: The number of placeholders (signers) has been increased to 20. This update allows for more flexibility in managing multiple signers in your documents. 

ItsMe Integration 

  • Feature: ItsMe (1 document & 1 signer) is now available for users with a valid license for this service. This means we now support QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) in the EU, except in German-speaking countries. This integration ensures secure and compliant electronic signatures. 

Reassign Sign Request 

  • Fix: Issues with reassigning sign requests have been resolved, ensuring a smoother and more efficient signing process. 

Missing JP Character 

  • Fix: A production issue regarding missing JP characters has been fixed, ensuring all characters are properly displayed. 

These updates and fixes are part of our ongoing commitment to improving our products and providing you with the best possible experience. We are grateful for your continued support and feedback. 

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